Aloe Plants
The Aloe plant has been used for centuries for its various medicinal claims, such and using the sap to heal wounds and skin problems like eczema and rashes. Other aloe promoters claimed internal healing, laxative use, and even more recent claims as treating type 2 diabetes, and inhibiting tumor growth. The aloe plant species originated primarily from Africa as a flowering plant that periodically sends up flower stalks capped with dramatic, tubular encircling blooms in colors of
red, yellow, orange and even pink. Some landscape aloe plant specimens grow fleshy trunks that occasionally branch like trees, but most tall aloes that are used as an architectural ornamental form and are planted outside in landscapes. Most homegrown containerized aloes form a basal thick rosette (like flowering rose petals) with fleshy-like leaves that contain a watery sap that is extensively used in healing, as in the Aloe ferox and the world famous Aloe vera. This water containing sap is an important survival mechanism for all aloes growing under drought stress.
Aloe Vera Plants
The Aloe vera plant is not only a very useful medicinal plant but also an attractive containerizing plant to grow indoors to use as a medicine cabinet. The jelly that flows from the leaves will hasten the healing of burns, insect stings and many other skin problems. The plant flowers freely and abundantly and produces offset starter plants for increasing your supply.
Aloe Kedongensis Plants
Aloes are very popular, xeric, ornamental plants, that are native inhabitants of the African desert and ideal for containerizing and displaying as an indoor specimen. Aloes are very thick, fleshy leafed transplants, some growing small, others growing into sizable trees. The Aloe kedongensis is an attractive plant with blunted tapering thorns that run along the edges of the leaves and are not really dangerous to those wishing to test the touching consequences. During the extended flowering period, a tall slender spike arises from the plant center that is covered with bright orange, trumpet-shaped flowers that at maturity change into seed pods.
Aloe Striata Plants
The Aloe striata is a fascinating, sculptured plant with smoothe ascending leaves that have yellow lines of paper-thin transparency flowing from the base of the leaf edges, upwards. This aloe is perfect for growing in a container, as a specimen plant for inside a room such as a solarium.