Like most inflationary gasoline and extremely high automobile costs that recently have reached the grocery stores, blueberries will strain the budget at $4.00 or more for a pint of berries. A homeowner can think about establishing his own blueberry bushes in his own home garden, and every price conscious inflation watcher can enjoy his great savings, and the home grower can experience the beautiful image of
sharing with his family the enjoyment of eating the much sweeter berries that were not permitted to develop properly by the outside grocery store blueberry grower. The blueberries should be allowed to completely ripen before picking from his commercial blueberry bushes. That too-early commercial blueberry picking does not allow the blueberries to achieve enough maturity to provide a proper taste and the ideal sweetness to develop. Very often that berry quality has been lost because of premature commercial berry picking and by allowing the blueberries to arrive on grocery store berry shelves: blueberries that were picked too prematurely. Blueberry bushes are easy to grow and guaranteed to live.