The &bul; Ann&bul; Japanese Magnolia tree can grow to heights of ten feet in height and an equal width of ten feet with the canopy displaying a rounded shape. The dark purple color of the Ann Magnolia tree is distinct with even darker veins that parallel the petal length. The chalice (cupped) and shaped flowers on the &bul; Ann&bul; Japanese Magnolia tree mature into a rounded flower and contain 7-9 petals that reach a blooming peak in late March in zone 8 on trees that grow about 10 feet tall. When the fragrant flowers of the 'Ann' Magnolia tree mature, they will fall to the ground and form a large round circle of petals beneath the tree. The buds of the Ann Magnolia tree begin to swell anytime the weather begins to warm up, even during an Indian Winter. The Ann Flowering Magnolia tree is very cold-hardy growing even as far North as zone 5 and blooms there in April or May, and unpredictably small flowering spurts can occur anytime of the year, depending on weather.
Recommended USDA zones for 'Ann' Japanese Magnolia Trees: | Zone 5 | -10° to -5° | Zone 6 | -5° to 5° | Zone 7 | 5° to 10° | Zone 8 | 10° to 20° | Zone 9 | 20° to 30° |
Recommended States to grow 'Ann' Japanese Magnolia Trees
Delivery Time: Deciduous Flowering Trees & Shade Trees are shipped dormant usually December through April, weather dependent, shipping within ten business days from when the order was placed, while in the current shipping season. The actual delivery time will usually be within four to seven days following the date of shipping by Ty Ty Plant Nursery. Delivery time can not be guaranteed, if a package needs to arrive prior to a specific date please note in the comment section of the order or contact Ty Ty Nursery by telephone during normal business hours.
Shipping Method: UPS Ground and Motor Freight if the proper arrangements have been made by the customer prior to shipping. Shipping costs do apply on Motor Freight shipments, not covered by any sales promotions.
*1 Year Free Plantsurance Policy is void on any shipment outside of recommended zones, and/or when the shipping is authorized by the customer during below freezing temperatures.
If plants are listed by gallon size the plant will be removed from container and have the majority of the dirt removed to allow for the best shipping.